Cloud Services

Rent your own share of a supercomputer to boost productivity and security

Stellar Networks will integrate your systems into the cloud and manage their operations for you

The future is in the cloud. Nowhere else can you get the most powerful, secure, and versatile business software on the market, and no other model affords its users better cost savings to reach peak productivity. Purchasing, maintaining, and managing servers and robust workstations is expensive, both initially and going forward as you must pay for the energy, parts, and labor required to keep them going. When you partner with Stellar Networks, you can get rid of all of that expensive hardware and get access to much more powerful machines that are housed, maintained, and secured at a data center. All you need is an internet connection and a computer or even a mobile device, and you get it all for an affordable, flat monthly fee.

Stellar Networks will help you determine which cloud applications will best serve your business goals, install them onto your systems, and maintain them going forward so you can sit back and enjoy increased productivity, greater workforce mobility, and lowered operating costs.

Stellar Networks offers a wide variety of cloud-based solutions, including:

  • Datto Disaster Recovery Solutions
  • Email hosting with Office 365
  • Microsoft SharePoint and OneDrive
  • Amazon AWS and Azure Hosting
  • VoIP PBX Hosting